The COPE Project - (Community Organizations and Programs that Empower)
COPE is our signature mentoring program. Through COPE, we match youth ages 10-18 with positive, caring adult role models. For more information about The COPE Project, visit www.TheCOPEProject.org. *Offered at our Baton Rouge, Metairie, and Houston locations.
Cookies and Convo (Serving the Greater Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Houston, and Dallas areas)
Cookies and Convo targets the crucial need to provide medically-accurate information pertaining to prevention and avoidance of sexual activity to teens, ages 14-19, at high risk for pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. For more information, click this link.
Aim High (A Diversion Services Initiative)
The program provides an array of services that address specific focus areas: assessments; counseling; juvenile justice life skills training; and academic support. *Offered at our Hammond location. Contact our Hammond office for an electronic application.
​The REACH Program
Through The REACH Program, Face to Face has established the The REACH Center, a welcoming drop-in space for runaway and homeless youth. Youth will be provided nutritious meals, clothing, and personal care items. Youth are also connected to medical and mental health professionals, educational support, and job training. *Located in Mid-City Baton Rouge.
Community Resource Lab
Computer access is provided to the general public by appointment only. Whether to do homework or research health information, clients/consumers have access to a user-friendly resource lab. *Offered at our Main Baton Rouge headquarters.
Community Health Services
We provide resources on an array of topics, such as HIV/AIDS, Smoking/Tobacco, Mental Health, Substance Abuse Prevention, etc. Contact us for more information.
Health Information Kiosk
Provided by the National Library of Medicine, clients/consumers can research valuable health information and resources via a kiosk in our waiting area. *Offered at our Main Baton Rouge headquarters.
Free College
We are proud to partner with Baton Rouge Community College TRIO Educational Opportunity Center's (EOC) program. EOC is a one-stop-shop resource center that provides FREE services to HS graduates, college students, and veterans needing financial aid assistance or adults planning to enroll in college or vocational school.